Sanchi to become India’s first Solar City

Sanchi, a small town located in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, is all set to become India’s first solar city. The town is known for its famous Buddhist stupas, which attract a large number of tourists from across the world. The shift towards renewable energy sources, particularly solar power, is expected to bring several benefits to the town, including reduced carbon emissions, lower electricity bills, and improved energy security.

The initiative to make Sanchi a solar city is a part of the Indian government’s efforts to promote sustainable development and reduce the country’s carbon footprint. The government has set a target to achieve 175 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2022, out of which 100 GW will be from solar power. The government has also launched several initiatives, such as the National Solar Mission, to promote the use of solar power in the country.

The shift towards solar power in Sanchi is expected to be gradual, with several small-scale solar projects being implemented in the town. The local administration has been actively promoting the use of solar power in the town and has already installed several solar panels in public buildings, such as schools and hospitals. The town also has several solar-powered street lights, which have helped reduce the electricity bills of the local administration.

The shift towards solar power is expected to benefit the town’s residents, particularly those living in remote areas, who currently face frequent power outages. The use of solar power can provide a steady source of energy, which can help stabilise the power supply and reduce power outages. The use of solar power can also reduce the dependence on non-renewable sources of energy, such as coal and oil, which are expensive and deplete natural resources.

The initiative to make Sanchi a solar city is also expected to boost tourism in the town. The town attracts a large number of tourists from across the world, and the shift towards renewable energy sources is expected to enhance the town’s eco-tourism potential. The use of solar power can also help preserve the town’s rich cultural heritage by reducing the carbon emissions, which can harm the town’s famous Buddhist stupas.

In conclusion, Sanchi’s initiative to become India’s first solar city is a significant step towards promoting sustainable development in the country. The shift towards solar power is expected to bring several benefits to the town, including reduced carbon emissions, lower electricity bills, improved energy security, and enhanced ecotourism potential. The initiative is expected to be gradual, with several small-scale solar projects being implemented in the town. The initiative is also expected to promote the use of solar power in other parts of the country and contribute to the overall growth of the renewable energy sector in India.

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